Unicorns and Nigera on t-shirts?
A couple of brand-smackin' new designs from KippyGo, neither of which make a great deal of sense, both of which are a-w-e-s-o-m-e (we think so anyway). Here's the scoop:

Africa seems to have all the answers, and has provided the new mneumonic phrase "my very educated mother just showed us Nigeria." Great for science, school children, and geography, right? (okay, maybe not, but it still makes a funny t-shirt. Check out all the gear on which this Pluto design is available).

Unicorns are seriously awesome (UASA). Hooray for Unicorns! This unicorn design is available on t-shirts and other gear, so be sure to check it out.
I don't care if this makes me a nerd, a geek, a dork, or whatever you want to call me (as if the Nigeria design didn't already say those things). Unicorns are cool. And now you can get a unicorn on a shirt, or a button, or a whatever else we've got in the store.
Come on, you know you want to...