Kippygo, a counterpart blog to Kippygo Designs, offers a variety of unique & innovative designs for t shirts and other apparel, as well as novelty gifts including mugs, stickers, bags, totes, and magnets. Kippygo also offers custom designs.
More new, random, vintage, funny, stupid, state motto, and seasonal holiday designs at Kippygo Designs |
 Tightie Whities: What can I actually say about this other than PANTS! This incredibly stupid design is an essential for, um, well... maybe "essential" was the wrong choice of words. Get some retro pants today! Y fronts rule.
Bowlerama: There seems to be some crazy correlation between the whole retro vintagething and bowling, as if bowling no longer exists. Hence this vintage-style Bowlerama design. You could wear it to your bowling competitions, or just generally, because it's obviously very hip andcool. I mean come on, it's bowling.
Keepin' It Rural: The redneck version of my Keepin' It Real design, it features a vintage style man playing a banjo type instrument. He's certainly keepin' it rural, if there's such a thing.

Colorado State Motto: It was either this or the traditional "if you don't ski, don't bother." I may also add that one later on. This vintage tee style CO design features art deco styled fonts and a really silly looking man skiing out to get you, or so it seems. It reads "April Showers Bring May Blizzards" and is available on t shirts,sweatshirts, and other gift items.
Georgia State Motto: My sister had a friend in high school who always used to say "peachy keen." Regrettably I picked that up from her, but I was also only a kid. I now know better than to use such phrases and sayings in a serious light. At any rate, that slogan lead me to think of one that seems more suitable: BEND OVER. INSERT PEACH. Also available on shirts, mugs, blah blah blah.
 This Hazy Blue Snowflake design is a winter graphic (you know, as it features a non-summery snowflake and all), available on home goods related items. It's all gift-y type stuff, so check it out if you're still looking for an easy gift to give that random someone who is impossible to shop for.
 Can anyone think of a better name for this Eagle & Blossoming Tree design? A great gift for any one who loves the outdoors, gardening, wildlife, all that sort of stuff, and completely original & unique. It features an eagle and a blossoming tree (you don't say), with stars and grungy effects in the background.
 I'm sure that this Flake design would apply to many of us year-round, though we tend to get extra flaky under the stress of the holidays. Features 3 blue snowflakes and decorative text that reads "flake." The design is on lots of cool novelty gift items and tops, so it's great for stocking stuffers and all sorts!
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